Friday, May 10, 2013

A compilation of the theories: Heaven and Hell VS. Atheism

There's always been a battle between Reason and Faith. This post is just a heated argument between Catholism and Athiesm.

Dane Cook, The Battle between religion and Atheism 

As I've been doing my research about the afterlife, I came across a rather interesting comment posted to a site called, "" under the Paranormal Studies section of the site.

There was a question asking what we are all wondering if you're reading this blog, "Where does our energy go after we are six feet under?" to which a man named, Paul_Richard responded with:

"When the soul, which is a form of energy, leaves the body, it enters the Primary Reality of Spirit, which is governed by the White Light of God or The God Force. This is not a being but an infinite energy spectrum that is governed by laws that are unalterable.

Then the soul undergoes a very objective life review that is given by spiritual discarnates whereby he can see all that he has done in life and the impact that he has made.

Most, who have not led a principled life of living by The Golden Rule and serving others, reject the life review and the lessons learned, and thereby prevent themselves from raising their vibration into a basically spiritual dimension in the White Light of God. These souls, referred to as subangels/common spirits, constitute the discarnate demonic forces that work in collectives for greater energy (referred to as Group Entities) and plague humanity. They value power for its own sake and pursue sadistic pleasure upon innocents, and work through and around evil people in the flesh. These acts of sadism further pushes them away from the Light. Eventually, they become total darkness, which is non-existence, for no one can live eternally without the White Light of God.
Then there are the basically spiritual types that join an angel Group Entity in the Mid Realms of Spirit. The "Cities of Light" that Near Death Experiencers report, like Dannion Brinkley for example, are of this ilk.

Next, you have the individualistic Saints who are more spiritually principled than the angels, that ascend beyond the Lower Realms and the Mid Realms and into the Higher Realms of Spirit; these are referred to as Archangels and they strive to become a Light onto themselves as opposed to being part of a Group Entity. However, these souls are few and far between and their energy channeled into the flesh is often overshadowed by large Group Entities (who may use a deceptive archangelic or "ascended master' persona to those in the flesh) that have their own agenda.

The problem with the discarnate collective mindset is that eventually the need for more members for greater power and more telepathic unity, becomes valued above the absolute truth and living by The Golden Rule. When this happens, Group Entities distort the truth in order to get more members and fall onto a path of evil.

Ultimately, all karma is balanced out with the soul's ability or inability to unite with The God Force or the White Light of God -- that many Near Death Experiencers report seeing "at the end of the tunnel." No being in heaven determines our fate. It is determined automatically and inescapably by our degree of spirituality in being able to unite with The God Force in the discarnate dimensions."

Now, that's a great example of how a lot of people see the end of life... With faith. However, there are a lot of people who think otherwise. These people are called Atheists. They believe in the scientific theory called the Big Bang and that when we die, we don't continue living.. But we simply just cease to exist. 

That's most atheists, but not all of them. Some of them actually believe in something called "Reincarnation". This is a cycle in which, once you die you don't ascend into Heaven or Hell, nor do you cease to exist but instead, your soul picks another vessel to live in. 

This vessel doesn't necessarily mean another person, either. They could be a person in one life, then in the next life they could be a rabbit or and elephant or a fly for that matter... Maybe even a tree, who knows! 

So, as I was talking about before with the website comments, another user who goes by the name, "Amantine" responded to the question saying: 

"The energy in the human body is a combination of three kinds of energy: chemical energy, heat and electrical energy. Chemical energy is stored in chemical bonds and electrical energy in electric potential differences between the cytoplasm and the intercellular fluid.

Heat is the useless kind of energy. There's not much you can do with it and it will simply dissipate through the air around you. The electrical energy becomes heat when the cells die and they can no longer maintain the potential differences. The only usefull kind is chemical energy. Bugs, bacteria and fungi breaks the bonds down to use the chemical energy for themselves. Some chemical energy remains in terms of bones.

This is what happens to all energy if energy is defined like it is in physics and chemistry." 

This is simply just math and science, I understand. So if our energy does just depart then they may be right... Maybe we are just made up of energy and waiting to stop existing. This is just another theory and there's no concrete answer until we all reach the end of our paths. 

You can read more into the discussion at Above Top Secret

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