Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Egypts Theory

Egypt's life after death.  

The Egyptians had a very complex ritual for those who passed. They believed that death wasn't the end of life, but a journey you had to go through in order to reach eternal bliss and happiness. The way the body is preserved had a big part to play in the judgment of the soul.

You can read all about the mummification process at this site I found, that greatly goes into detail about preserving important organs and body parts and the journey the soul must go through after it has left the body.

Egyptians Life after Death <--- Full article

The Egyptians believe that instead of a "Reaper" there is a Jackal-headed man, named Anubis. He is considered to be the god of the dead. It is also said that he would be the judge along with forty two other deities and judges that would judge each soul during the journey to eternity.

In the article posted above, they explain the three main deities in Egyptian religion. It says: 
" According to ancient Egyptian beliefs the soul was a perishable entity which meant that it was at great risk at all times. This is why the Egyptians had elaborate burial rituals the purpose of which was to ensure the preservation of the dead bodies and the various elements of the soul. Some of the most important burial rituals included the process of mummification, the making of the tomb, the casting of spells and death masks. The Egyptians believe the soul had three parts namely Ka, Ba and Ahk and it was essential to ensure the protection of all these three parts."

With that being said, where they go after death depends on the judgement of the Anubis and his forty two other judges, whether you live on with peace and happiness for eternity or living in the underworld. 

So I guess the theory isn't all that different from most but the beliefs and the carry-out are. And I find that to be very interesting the way other ethnic groups and other religions go about the death of loved ones.  

1 comment:

  1. I conquer With This articles Response I’ A rearcher of Kimit (Kemet)/Egypt! I believe that this is the first! All other religions took the principles of this ancient SPIRITUAL CONCEPTS ! HOTEP! ASE’! Nothing but plagiarizers .
