Sunday, May 26, 2013

Voodoo and Priestesses

Alright, in this blog post, I would like to talk about someone who has had a big impact on me and my fascination with the paranormal. Her name is Marie Laveau. She was a big-time Voodoo priestess down in Louisiana in the 1800s, everyone knew her name. 

Below, is a book that I would recommend reading about Marie. Growing up and hearing about who she was and the types of black magic she preformed, I thought she was evil and scary. But actually, she was pretty normal, aside from all supernatural works she does. She was the mother of 8 kids and was actually inter-racial. You can read more about the famous voodoo priestess from the link below.

Marie Laveau Voodoo Priestess

The next  thing I want to talk to you about, is what Marie actually did when she was alive, and what voodoo really is. 

There are three different types of voodoo: Louisiana Voodoo, Haitian Voodoo and West African Vodun.
On the site What is Voodoo they explain all three different types of Voodoo, but they also gave me the general definition of the religion. It says:

Voodoo (also spelled Vodou) is an ancient West African religion practiced by more than 30 million people in Benin, Togo and Ghana. Voodoo varieties are also present in the United States, and the Caribbean. The word ‘vodou’ comes from the languages of West Africa, and means ‘spirit’. That is appropriate as Voodoo is a religion of spirits. Practitioners of Voodoo (who are called Voodooists) believe that the world of humans is shared by the world of the spirits. When a person dies, his spirit passed to the world of the unseen but is still able to see the human world, the visible world. Spirits, it is believed, in some cases can even impact the world of the living.

The last and final clips I'm providing below are a further explanation of Voodoo and an actual video of Voodoo being performed in all three different styles.

What is Voodoo- With Joan Rivers

Voodoo in Louisiana

Haitian Voodoo

West African Vodun

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