Monday, May 6, 2013

Intro to my Curation

In life, we are faced with one large, haunting question... "What happens to us after we leave our physical bodies?" Well, this blog is here to help us figure it out.

Though it's a question that can't really be answered, considering you would have to be dead to find out, there are myths and stories that we turn to to gain a little faith.

The first theory I'm going to talk about, is a well known known place called Heaven. Religions of all kinds believe there is a god out there and judges those who have used their time on Earth wisely or poorly. For those lucky souls who have given their time for good and justice and peace on Earth, when the die, they will ascend into heaven on a big stair way leading them up to the pearly gates with angels flying freely about. Here is where they will live for eternity where everything is perfect. Where they meet god and there is no more mystery, everything makes sense and you are united with all your family and friends who have one before you.

However, if you have used your time differently you will not be let through the pearl gates, but you will be dropped down to the underworld, otherwise known as hell. Where you will spend eternity paying off your dues in suffrage. Here is where you meet the devil, or, Satan.

Some say it isn't all black and white though... which is where this mystery takes off. Do we really go straight to Heaven or Hell? Or do we stay a while to say our final good-byes? Do we have a way back to Earth in a different form, such as a ghost or entity? It's been said that there is a place for spirits who either don't know they're dead or are hanging around due to unfinished business, called purgatory. Throughout the next few months, I will be researching and trying to find the truth about where we go, or if we go anywhere.

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