Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fun/Interesting videos of near death experiences and Reincarnation.

For the past few blog posts, I've talked about actually dying and not knowing what happens. I know that there is no definite answer to what happens, but there have been occasions where people have died and come back to life. 

This is called a "Near Death Experience". Below, are several videos with people who claim to have actually experienced this and tell what they have seen.   

Man Dies for 45 Minutes and comes back after prayers.

Little Boy sees Heaven

Little girl meets her Guardian Angel.

Another interesting belief is something that I already talked a little bit about, but I would like to revisit it with this amazing story I provided below. Reincarnation is the belief of when you die, your soul leaves the body and moves on to another vessel, be it another person, or an animal or an insect. Anyways, this video is about a little boy who claims he remembers his past life.

Boy remembers past life Part 1/5

Boy Remembers past life 2/5

Boy remembers past life 3/5

Boy remembers past life 4/5

Boy remembers past life 5/5

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